Coaching to Create Space for Success with Less Stress 2

openspace Dec 2009postWhat does coaching have to do with creating space?  Well, I have found that creating space both physically and mentally will enable you to be more innovative and productive. 

I tend to create small paper piles on my desk (sometimes they grow to be big piles).  When I look at the pile I get the nagging feeling that I need to go through it and decide what needs action or just filing.  This nagging feeling is subtle yet persistent and it can quietly sap me of some of my focus and energy.  It is not until I tackle the pile and clear the space that I recognize the amount of energy and focus that the pile was consuming.

Space can also be created in relationships.  The new George Clooney movie, “Up in the Air”, has some interesting messages about this but I won’t give away the movie here (go see it).   Consider some items to “clean up” in your relationships if they are taking up space.  Do you still think about that time she made that offensive remark five years ago?  Or is there a recent comment he made that you are ruminating over?  Clearing up these feelings by either letting them go (not burying them for later digging up and review again) or having a good conversation to clear the air will free up space for creative converstations that spark new ideas. 

Coaching suggestions for clearing space (share yours in a comment):

  • Schedule time to file and organize (in my case to eliminate the piles).  This may be a few minutes each day or a block of time each week.  Experiment with what works best for you.
  • Closet & Garage Cleaning:  Clearing of this space (many trips to Good-Will) gave me an extra boost to my feelings of success and cleared the space for new opportunities that arrived soon afterward.  If it seems daunting then set an alarm for 30-minutes and do a little at a time.organized Dec 2009 Post
  • Hire a Professional Organizer.  If these initial ideas feel overwhelming, consider hiring a professional who loves to do this stuff.  Here is the link to the National Association of Professional Organizers
  • Think about your relationships.  Do you have supportive conversations that help you create new possibilities or do you need to initiate a conversation to clear the air and make space?   If you need to initiate a converation to clear the air then use “I” statements and possibly rehearse with a trusted friend.   Consider getting professional help via a counselor if this is a big challenge and a primary relationship in your life.  If it is a friend that is continually causing negative energy then take actions to remove them from your life; this may sound harsh but the ongoing  harm due to the sapping of your energy and consuming of your space is much worse.

I’ve had the good fortune of growing many old and new business and personal relationships in 2009; these quality connections and relationships create a tremendous richness in my life that is continually creating space for new possibilities.

How have you created space for new possibilities and productivity?  Please share in a comment.

photo credits: massdistraction, ripka

2 thoughts on “Coaching to Create Space for Success with Less Stress

  • Brenda

    I’ve read that cluttered spaces can create stress, but never thought about how they can block productivity and openness to new opportunities. I was going to try freeing a small area of clutter, then keeping that area clear while adding another small area, but I haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. I like your idea of working on it for 30 minutes better. That way one project doesn’t have to be done before moving on to the next. It just needs 30 minutes of work (progress) and that does not seem too daunting! Thanks Paula 🙂

  • Paula Shoup Post author

    Thanks for the comment Brenda! I’m glad the 30-minute approach sounds like something you will try. I’ve also used this for other tasks that I have put off or seem overwhelming. I set my phone alarm and then just get going; when the alarm goes off I decide whether I can go for another 30 minutes or move on to something else. The alarm helps me stay focused on not keep looking at the clock to see how much time I have left.

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