Coaching Through the Holidays: Presents of Prescence 4

The holidays can be a joyous time and a stressful time or a stressful time with no joy.   It is so easy to get caught up in all the things we feel we must do: shopping, wrapping, year-end tax decisions.   

Gift Dec 2009 post credit mysza831My holiday coaching challenge is to stay present in each moment.  Focusing on the current moment sounds easy but it is not something that comes naturally.  Our brains automatically start going through all the items we still have on our shopping list, the big project that has to be done next week and it is only a 3-day week, or the commitment to go to that party that we don’t really want to attend.   None of these things are happening in the moment but they are consuming a portion of our energy and limiting our ability to focus.   

Give yourself and those around you the gift of being fully present.  When you notice those intruding thoughts, kindly thank them for arriving and let them pass by like a cloud and re-focus on this moment. 

Staying fully focused on the present will give you back multiple gifts:

  • Completing your task more quickly
  • Better quality of whatever you are doing
  • Stronger relationships: being fully present in a conversation will be appreciated and set you apart from everyone else who is buzzing about with holiday stress.
  • Lower stress levels and more enjoyment

It sounds simple enough but don’t be fooled by the simplicity; it takes practice and persistence.  This small shift done consistently will have an incredible impact on you and your relationships.  Cherish your moments this holiday season and then keep practicing as you go into 2010.

How are you staying focused during this busy time?  Please share in a comment

photo credit: mysza831

4 thoughts on “Coaching Through the Holidays: Presents of Prescence

  • Kitty Wiemelt

    Paula, thank you for your wonderful insight. You are one of the wonderful people I intend to get to know better in 2010. I was just thinking about “being present and being calm” this morning during my quiet time. Each morning when I get up, I am gifted with the ability to quietly do my stretching exercises and then retreating to the bathroom and having my Bible reading, journaling and affirmation with intentional thoughts time. My prayer time comes either on the Elyptical or on a walk. This has been my routine for years, during my healing time it has been challenging to continue but, nevertheless, I am persevering. It keeps me thinking in the present. Merry Christmas, Paula, and Blessings in the New Year.

  • Paula Shoup Post author

    Kitty, Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment and I look forward to getting to know you better in 2010. Something took me to your website just recently and I watched the CNN video of you fly fishing. I love your philosophy of making your own path and being grateful for the employment challenges that have come your way. It is so consistent with my creation of internalGPS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Paula

  • Walt

    Christmas is a good time to think about focusing on being “present”, but I struggle with it every day of the year. Call it an obsession, affliction, or an addiction……. My mind is consumed with overcoming the current challenges in my business. These challenges are not all bad, as most of them concern positive growth. I also get that big boost of adrenalin that comes with a big sale or new contract. I often don’t sleep well, having solutions, or ideas come to me in a dream, and then lie there awake unable to put the solution to the test. I get up in the morning and forget to eat until late afternoon or early evening. Some days I forget everything unless I keep “to do” lists. Recently, on a Saturday, I started working about mid morning to compile some facts and figures, building a new pricing structure. The next thing I knew, my legs were cramping and I noticed that some things were not adding up the same anymore. It was 3:30am on Sunday morning. I guess anyone, in a quiet room, with no kids or distractions could work 17 hours straight. Or maybe not. The sad part is that I went to bed and was up four hours later with some new ideas.
    I think I have been extremely blessed.
    I have been blessed with my current health
    I have been blessed with the ability to think and reason
    I have been blessed with the desire to learn and absorb all that is around me
    I have been blessed with the burning passion and drive that it takes to attack impossible challenges head on and conquer them
    I have been blessed with smart, positive people who want to be in my life

    I have also been blessed with the ability to love, listen, and enjoy the presence of those positive people and influences around me.

    I write all this to say, that I do three things everyday that help me tip the scales away from total insanity, although I still feel that I may be right at the edge.

    1) I get up early (5am to 6am) every day no matter what, and keep a fairly regular routine in the first hour. I relax, and methodically adjust my plans for the day to maximize what I get out of it. I strive to “own” the day. This is my time, and I have to get the most out of it.
    2) I take short “Brain Breaks” throughout the day. I sometimes have so many things going on at once that I get a headache. I take five minutes and play a game on my phone, or read an article in a magazine to reset my mind. I do this several times a day, and it helps even things out.
    3) Being away from home and the ones I love much of the time, I take time to call, or Skype those I love most and enjoy hearing about the their exciting challenges and victories in business and life. This once again pulls me away for a moment.

    Have a great holiday, and enjoy those around you.


  • Paula Shoup Post author

    Thanks W – Your inights and sharing are very appreciated. May you have a focused and inspired 2010 and may all of your blessings continue. In gratitude, Paula

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