Happiness at work & in life

Coaching For Likability: More Than A Popularity Contest

In my first “real job” at Motorola, I and a coworker had a project to improve the cumbersome process for materials that were rejected for some reason or other and waiting on disposition from one of the Engineers. It was decades ago but I can still see and hear the strain in this little old…
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Coaching Connections with Your internalGPS: Baseball Leads to Smarter, Healthier & Happier Teams

This time of year in Phoenix always brings up memories of Spring Training Baseball games. My first experience was decades ago when my boss invited my work-team out to a game. I was not all that thrilled. I had a lot to do and was not a big fan of baseball; it was one more…
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Coaching Strong Leaders: Authentically Programming Your internalGPS to Avoid Rough Terrain

A few weeks ago, I posted about “Coaching Strong Leaders” and how being vulnerable increase your authenticity as a leader. Unfortunately, if done the wrong way it can backfire and do the opposite of what you intend. I once knew of  a leader who encouraged me and others to be more open and sharing and…
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Coaching Strong Leaders: Vulnerable Leaders Are Authentic Leaders

I purchased this necklace when I was on a business trip in Singapore. It was years ago, but I remember how I felt like it was yesterday: scared and vulnerable. I was in a big leadership role with big expectations and a big staff reporting in to me. I felt like I was supposed to…
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Courageously Following my internalGPS® with Help From Dr. Brené Brown

It is often easier to see another person’s need to shift or change their path than to see your own; sometimes it takes time away to see which way to go. I’m happy to be back and would love for you to continue with me here, reading and commenting on my posts! I’m still very…
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Coaching for Failure Skill Building

Sometimes I think I’m on one path and then find out I’m on a completely different one, learning things I really did not expect. For example, I started down this path of accomplishing a pivotal goal. A pivotal goal is one that accomplishes multiple things in multiple areas. This goal was more personal than business…
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Your internalGPS Cannot Function Without This!

No matter who you are, what you do, or where you want to go, you absolutely cannot do it alone. You need relationships. And if you want to have a journey that is more successful, fulfilling, smoother and more enjoyable, then you need to have great relationships with the people all around you. At work….
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Coaching & Programming Your internalGPS for More Creativity & Innovation

How are you programming your internalGPS to be (more) creative and innovative as we go into this new year? Every one of us is creative; I used to think this was reserved for my very talented Mother and Sister who always had (and still have) a creative project going. I’d say, “Oh I just didn’t…
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Three Ways to Undermine Trust in a Personal or Business Relationship

1. Try and make them feel better by giving an example of how much worse it could be.   Business Example: “The failures of your product on our manufacturing line are causing us large increases in scrap costs.” A horrible reply would be, “Well it could be much worse, we could not be delivering at…
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A Great Tool If Your internalGPS Has You Lost

A common way that I get lost and my clients get lost is in feeling confused or overwhelmed with large amounts of data or many different options. One of my favorite tools for cutting through the confusion is a mind map. I found this great mind map (pictured below) of all the different benefits and…
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