Coaching for Failure Skill Building

Sometimes I think I’m on one path and then find out I’m on a completely different one, learning things I really did not expect. For example, I started down this path of accomplishing a pivotal goal. A pivotal goal is one that accomplishes multiple things in multiple areas. This goal was more personal than business and yet I am sharing it here because I’ve experienced (and seen my clients experience) more business success by also setting and accomplishing personal goals.

Pivotal Goal: Re-learn crocheting (I knew how to do it several decades ago) to expand my creativity, spend some more time with my Mom and help her get her mind off of her radiation treatment for breast cancer, and make some fun gifts for family and friends.

While I’m still on the path to accomplish all of those things, the bigger path I’m on right now is the path of learning how to fail and not give up. I have had to pull out the yarn of my project (a simple hat to get started) not once, not twice, but four times. So far. And I’ve really been trying hard. Paying close attention, counting each stitch, re-counting multiple times and yet I’ve messed it up a lot.

Failing and starting again with a renewed focus and no criticizing and shaming of past mistakes is a big challenge. It’s good to get this practice and see and feel how necessary it is to become better. Expecting to do it right and well the very first time when you are learning a new skill is a set up for a path that will not lead anywhere. I hear from clients, “Well if it doesn’t come easily then it must not be for me.” I disagree. Anyone who has put in years of practice in a skill will tell  you that it did not come easily at first. The more relevant questions are, “How does it make you feel? Are you excited to get started again and again? Or is it depleting you and no fun at all?”

If you want to be on the path to excellence then it better be in something that lights you up. I’m excited to see this finished crochet project, now if it were something else, like quilting, that does not excite me at all then I’d give up after the first fail.

What pivotal goal lights you up and will help you move your internalGPS forward toward your dreams?