Coaching Connections with Your internalGPS: Baseball Leads to Smarter, Healthier & Happier Teams


This time of year in Phoenix always brings up memories of Spring Training Baseball games. My first experience was decades ago when my boss invited my work-team out to a game. I was not all that thrilled. I had a lot to do and was not a big fan of baseball; it was one more thing getting in the way of my ability to get everything done.  Thankfully, I was talked into going and as I was enjoying the big blue sky, a cold beer and talking and laughing with my coworkers, I wondered how I possibly could have resisted it so much.

I am grateful for all the great bosses I’ve had in the past, those that knew we would accomplish more by taking a break. Those that knew how valuable and important it was to build connections with each other so that we could meet and exceed our business goals.

In her book, “The Gifts of Imperfection” Dr. Brené Brown explains, “…we are hard wired for connection. It’s in our biology…we need connection to thrive emotionally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually.” She explains that years ago this may have been perceived as “touchy-feely” but now we know it to be hard science that is backed up with Neuroscience research.

The research shows that having strong social connections leads to higher levels of physical, mental and emotional health. Who doesn’t want more of that on their team? Can you imagine saying, “Uh, no, I’d prefer to have a team of employees with physical, mental and emotional challenges…”

So, which game are you taking your team to? I hope to see you there.

Read more about research from Stanford University here: Social Connection Improves Physical Health and Mental and Emotional Well-Being. ” One landmark study showed that lack of social connection is a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure.”




photo credit: Tom Heinze via Flickr Creative Commons