What Compelling Image Is Pulling You? 2

“Real motivation is that drive from within, you have a compelling image inside, not a travel poster on the wall.” – Dennis Waitly

I coach and speak about creating a vision. A big clear and compelling vision that gets you (and your team) excited. It may start with a poster on a wall or a challenge from a customer or boss or something else externally but it will take flight if you internalize it so that it is truly yours.

And it will compel you to keep going when the obstacles pop up that make the road rough or when you get knocked back by a failure. If it is internalized and yours then you will keep going and not be swayed. That is what you need in a vision or destination for your internalGPS.

What compelling image is pulling you toward your success? That is one of the most important questions you will ever ask.

2 thoughts on “What Compelling Image Is Pulling You?

  • Tabitha

    I love this, Paula!

    I have a vision, indeed. It’s of large-scale women’s events, probably ministry-related, complete with speakers, break-out sessions, maybe even vendors. Hospitality, small group leaders, prayer time…I can almost see the themes, colors and marketing materials, too. I’m not sure exactly what my role will be, but I have it as something of an internal compass to guide me along. I feel God has placed it in m heart and I just keep taking steps in that direction!

  • Paula Shoup Post author

    Thanks Tabitha! I love your vision and look forward to hearing and seeing more as you live in to it!

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