Navigate and March Forth for Success

marching March 2010postDid you realize that today is the day to march forth with your actions to make your goals, visions and dreams come true?   This is the first march forth holiday that I have realized exists and it has been happening every year since calendars and the English language were invented!  It is a small thing but it brings me joy to make this new discovery.

Let’s celebrate this day with some tools and ideas to navigate and march forth to your dream destination:

-Clarify your big imagined vision or your destination.  Your GPS won’t work without a clear destination.  Adjust it as needed but keep it in front of you.

– Add power to your vision by attaching strong emotions to it (possibly gratitude, excitement or joy).

-Take some small steps (see last week’s post).

-Celebrate progress.  Create a list of possible small and big celebrations, from sharing a win with a friend to taking a relaxing & fun vacation.

-Appreciate the small things (like learning about this day).

-Keep going.  “Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein.  Push through challenges and fear.

obstacleroad work March 2010– Obstacles or Problems are part of the journey; if you don’t have any problems then you are either dead or delusional.  Neither one is good.  Get used to having a few problems and understand that the bigger your journey the bigger your challenges or problems (i.e. consider challenges of preparing to drive across town versus going to Africa).  Take your problems in stride and tackle them one piece at a time and realize that no one is immune to obstacles or bumps in the road.

– Laugh a lot.  Keep a list of jokes or stories that make you laugh or funny things around as reminders to make you laugh.  On my desk, I have a yellow stuffed happy face that makes a contagious laugh when I squeeze it.

– Finally, remember to enjoy the journey.  Success is along the path not at the final stop.  March forth toward your dream destination and when you arrive create a new destination that continues to energize you.

Please share your ideas to march forth in a comment!

photo credits: TPapi, Johan Koolwaaij