Business Consulting

Programming Strategy & Tactics In Your internalGPS

“Let’s have a meeting to discuss our strategy” was the response to a question about how we were going to proceed with a big supplier negotiation. Ugh, another meeting to try and cram into our busy schedules. Why can’t we just move forward? “Why are we using this supplier again in this design? They have…
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Curiosity Cured the Cat: Navigating to Success with Curiosity

It is unfortunate that one of our American idioms- curiosity killed the cat- is fear-based and encourages us to stay put.  There is so much power and enjoyment in shifting to an inquisitive attitude that encourages new discoveries and an open mind. It is possible to grow your inquisitive skills through practice and shifting of…
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Opinions and Navigating to Success

I continue to work on catching myself in offering up my opinion about something before I am asked for it or before I ask permission to give it.  This was a good lesson in my coach training; let the client work through and decide based on what is best for them and hold back on…
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Opening Your Mind to Paths to Success

Have you ever discovered that your assumptions were more like obstacles than tools on your path to your destination?   Sometimes we have to make assumptions based on our experience but unfortunately these assumptions can also cause obstacles and challenges if they go unexamined.  Or they are assumptions held deeply in our belief system and we…
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How Do You Focus for Success?

Focus is something I continue to work on; it is more challenging for some of us than others and I know for me it varies based on what I am doing.  In our culture, many of us have the “shiny object syndrome”, jumping to the next interesting new e-mail, conversation, blog post, or video before…
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Coaching to Focus on What is Going Well for Success with less Stress

Ok, it is impossible to ignore the pile of torn up cardboard, paper, and broken glass in the middle of the kitchen floor from the dog’s rebelliousness while you were out (this was my afternoon today).  But you can clean it up quickly and then focus on more productive actions.  Or you can rant and…
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Creating Strong Connections for Success with Less Stress

How are your relationships?  Both business and personal connections play a key role in navigating to success with less stress.  I credit my success at moving up the corporate ladder with cultivating strong connections as much or more as my working hard to perform well.  You can be the best at what you do and…
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Five Steps to Balance Patience and Pressure to Navigate to Success

I had the wonderful experience of attending the National Speakers Association (NSA) convention earlier this week.  I met a lot of amazing people; on the very first morning I met Greg Bell.  Greg has a way of conversing that is immediately engaging and made me want to learn more about his business.  His company and…
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5 Strategies for Building a Strength-Based Business & Life for More Success

1. Identify Your Strengths There is a reason the books, Now, Discover Your Strengths and Strengths Finder 2.0, have been consistently on the business best seller list; focusing on your strengths is very powerful and the Gallup organization has a lot of research to back this up.  Identify your strengths; don’t assume you already intuitively…
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Five Strategies to Drive Past Fear & Navigate to Success

1. Silence the Critic Many people have a critical inner voice that plays constantly in their heads. Some very successful people actually credit their success with this inner critic. It clearly can be a strong driving force toward success but it is most likely accompanied by harsh judgment and fear that can have the opposite…
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