Your internalGPS Cannot Function Without This!

No matter who you are, what you do, or where you want to go, you absolutely cannot do it alone. You need relationships. And if you want to have a journey that is more successful, fulfilling, smoother and more enjoyable, then you need to have great relationships with the people all around you. At work. At home. Even in the line at the store or in the car next to you on the backed-up freeway. Yes, even those strangers can impact your life based on how you are talking to them in your head (or out load). This prior post,  “How My Experience As a Cashier Has Made Me Happier & More Productive” referenced the research on how building connections in our daily interactions impacts our quality of life.

Hopefully you noticed that I’ve not been writing for several weeks. This was due to a broken right clavicle that stopped me from doing just about anything for a few weeks and I’ve been slowly coming back to functioning over the last week. Wow, did I ever find out how much I need and depend on the relationships in my life. I am so grateful for all the support I received and for this powerful reminder of what a myth it is that if you’re strong then you don’t need help. We all need help, sometimes things happen that show us how to better receive this help and practice asking for it. Ugh.

I love this article,“The 8 Traits of Healthy Relationships” by the very wise “Business Philosopher” Jim Rohn (he passed last year and his amazing work continues to be shared). His traits of Love, Serving Heart, Honest Communication, Friendliness, Patience, Loyalty, A Common Purpose, and Fun can all be applied to growing strong business and personal relationships so that your internalGPS guides you on amazing journeys.