Tips For More Harmonious Holidays

Japanese character for “Harmony”

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

– Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Several coaching clients of mine have had a strong desire for more balance in their lives; can you relate to this? I coach them to consider harmony instead of balance. Balance can be wobbly and unstable, think of the person with an extraordinary talent for balance who is skillfully walking a tightrope. They are not exactly on stable ground. Harmony, on the other hand, is full of peace and calm that is a great foundation for leading a team or living a life that is rewarding and fulfilling.

Here are four tips to increase your harmony, especially during this holiday season:

“Begin to see yourself as a person who notices instead of judges. Avoid taking one position and sticking to it no matter what the circumstances are; rather, be in harmony with all people, especially those whose opinions conflict with yours! And remember to include yourself when dispensing kindness and nonjudgment.”

–   Dr. Wayne Dyer, from his book, “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”

Ho Ho Ho! Please share a comment about how you have introduced more harmony into your life or your holiday season.