Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Sweet Freedom

Flag credit Jul 2013

In 1987, I was at my desk at Motorola, trying to stay focused on the procedure I was reading when I overheard a more experienced colleague say, “He really read him the riot act….” Immediately, I thought, what act is that? I haven’t seen it in the pile of reading that I was assigned? I jumped up and asked, “Where do I get a copy of the riot act?” There was a pause and then a lot of laughter and looks of pity for the naive and ambitious fresh out of school young woman. I joined in the laughter after a minute of embarrassment.

Those early days of my first “real job” were so full of excitement and learning. In reality, they were also full of reading very boring procedures, painful bureaucracy and office politics. But, that is not what I was focused on. A couple years later these things became very obvious. Nothing had changed and yet everything had changed. In the beginning, I was so full of excitement for my first real job and the sweet freedom of no more final exams that I was fully focused on all the good things.

Your focus and mindset can change everything with out changing anything physically. How can you shift your focus right now for more thriving? 

Happy Fourth of July!

Enjoy your holiday and thrive by focusing on all there is to be grateful for with our freedom in the USA.

photo credit via Flickr creative commons: Carissa GoodNCrazy