Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Moving Meetings

Sometimes you can shift into more thriving through a small shift in what you do.

One of my favorite small shifts is having a “walking meeting.” Ask your team if they want to go for a walk around the building to talk as part or all of your meeting. Or if you are meeting a colleague, instead of meeting at a coffee place, meet at a local park and walk while you talk. This little shift will make a big difference in how you can thrive through the conversation.

Another small shift is changing up your routine in how you prepare for the day or drive to your work or a regular appointment. Plan to do your routine in a different sequence and take a different route than you would normally. Notice how this little shift wakes you up to being more fully present and take that presence through the rest of your day. It will shift your brain into more awareness in other activities beyond the small change in your routine.

What small shifts have you made that have you thriving? Please share in a comment.

photo credit via Flickr Creative Commons: The Shopping Sherpa