Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Get More Time by Giving Your Time

Harvard Business Review Management Tip-of-the-day, “Out of Time? Give Some Away,” showed up in my in box this week and I loved reading that there was research done on how to be more “time affluent.” It turns out you can feel less pressured and more relaxed if you do something for someone else when you take a break versus mindless surfing of the web. I don’t think that surfing the web is always wasted; it does sometimes pop up some interesting resources and information. So, I suggest to thrive you can sometimes opt for the mindless surfing and when you feel like you want to create some more time then find something to do for someone else (possibly forward this blog to them if you want to help them thrive)!

I kept this short this week so that you can thrive with more time today!

photo credit via Flickr creative commons: Bindass Mindhavi