Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Life Is About Not Knowing

Last week, I was remembering the very funny Gilda Radner and her late 1970’s SNL character, “Rosanne Roseannadanna.” I was in the high humidity of Florida and my hair grew as big as her character’s…This week, I came across this great quote,

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.” – Gilda Radner

A nice reminder to lean into the unknown and make the best of the right now.

If you missed it or want a refresher on how to thrive in the midst of adversity then here is a link to my prior post, “Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Post Traumatic Growth”

Make the best of this moment right now (and if you want to laugh then click on the Roseanne link above to see a great video) and then embrace whatever is next.

photo credit via Flickr creative commons: moviesinla