Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Dog Days of Summer

Oliver Summer June 2013It’s official! Summer is beginning, at least per the calendar. If you live in the Phoenix area then you may agree with me that it has been here for a good month. Take a few seconds to recall one of your favorite summer games or activities from when you were a kid. Can you feel it? Fun, exhilaration, adventure all come up for me. Picture a tall tree that with the lowest branch next to a neighbors back wire fence. Foot holds in the fence give access to that first branch, up I climb, arm reaching then foot following for the next branch. Up and up, finally sitting near the top. My sister and I looking out at the great view. My heart pounding from the climb and the height. Then a breeze comes and we sway; nervous giggling starts. This is summer thriving.

What will you do to thrive this summer? If you can’t physically go somewhere then take a few minutes and go there in your mind; your imagination will take you there. 

Four years ago this week, I started writing these posts. What a journey it has been. Thank you so much for joining me here, whether its been for a day or years. I am so grateful for your being here and especially for all the comments and feedback that I have received.  Here’s to many more years of thriving!

My boy Oliver is in the picture. He is old enough to be a bit retired from his dog duties. When I arrive home, most of the time he greets me this way: laying down but looking up at me with smiling eyes and a few wags of the tail. The saltillo tile helps keep him cool in our hot desert summer.