Thursday Thoughts On Thriving: Cultivating Wonder & Summer Fun

One of the best ways to thrive in your work and life is to cultivate your sense of childlike wonder. One of the best ways to cultivate your childlike wonder is to take a fun vacation or at least plan some time for fun, laughing and play in your schedule.  Riding every “high thrill” roller coaster in a Six Flags amusement park may not be your idea of fun, but for me it ranks at the top. Last week, my sister and I did exactly this and it was an amazing day of fun and cultivating childlike wonder.

A couple weeks ago, in my “Ideas From Kindergarten”  post I wrote about increasing your innovation and creativity with bright primary colors and toys. So, when I saw this hat at a fun store at the amusement park, I just had to buy it for my office. It is now sitting in the corner of my office, reminding me of fun times and to cultivate my childlike wonder.

If you are challenged for time or budget to plan for a fun vacation, then take a mini laughter vacation by watching a you tube video or calling up a friend or colleague to share a good joke.

Here are some great “cultivating fun and wonder” resources:

Laughing Baby Ripping Paper Video

Funny Kid Video

51 Jokes in Four Minutes

What are your favorite ways to incorporate fun and play into your work and life for more thriving? Please share in a comment!