Thursday Thoughts On Thriving: Connections

Thriving is all about connections; the more you cultivate connecting with the people around you the more you will thrive.

I am writing this in Buffalo, NY, where I am reconnecting with people that I have not seen in years. Last night my sister and I had dinner with two women who we used to call step-sisters. We all had a great time living together each summer in a small town, Perry, here in western NY. We share fun memories of summer picnics, swimming, and much more through their pre-teen and my teen years, so long ago. An ugly divorce of our parents (both of their second marriages) and then death of each of them completely removed any connection we had. Then a friend request popped up on Facebook. Within days we were talking and it was as if we had talked last week, instead of a couple decades ago.

Tonight I am going to dinner with a woman who was my best friend from the time I was eight years old till I was in my early twenties when the separation of multiple states across the country (from NY to AZ) finally disconnected our friendship. Thankfully, she tracked me down in the late 80’s (amazingly before we had all the internet tools we have today) and we have been connected ever since.

I am so grateful for these connections; there is something about knowing how we were as children that creates a feeling of comfort and acceptance that bridges the decades of time. We each listen intently to hear what life has been like since we last met and share fun memories of that time long ago.

Call an old friend or reach out to create a new one and thrive with your connections! 

photo credit via Flickr creative commons: Erica Marshall