Simply Navigating to Success

Simplicity March 2010 postI love simple solutions and simple ways of doing things.  Our brains love simplicity.  Here are some of my favorite powerful yet simple strategies for improving the quality of our complex work and home lives to navigate to success:

Put things you use every day in the same place every time. Keys, eyeglasses, phone.  Designate a location at home and work.  If you are a woman this may mean the same place in your purse for easy location.  Be diligent!  This will save countless minutes (adding to hours) of aggravation and worry.  If you are feeling motivated then expand this to other things that you do not use every day but have a tendency to go missing.

Focus away from the computer for a few minutes each hour. Look out a window at some form of nature if possible and stand up and do a couple easy stretches.   Our bodies were not designed to stare for hours on end at flat screens.

Find a reason to laugh and connect with someone every day. Ideally someone you like or love but anyone will do; try joking positively with the cashier at your target store.  Research shows that social connections drive a lot of positive emotions (good stuff).

Create a daily habit of feeling gratitude and expressing your gratitude to someone else. This could be just a few minutes of thinking about what you are thankful for at the beginning or end of the day and a plan to acknowledge someone for their efforts during your day (possibly that cashier or clerk at the store).

Daffodils March 2010 PostReward yourself simply & regularly. The best repeatable rewards are inexpensive or free, calorie-free, energizing to you and of course simple!  A few of  of my favorite rewards are a bouquet of colorful fresh flowers ( I purchased a bunch of daffodils from Trader Joes last week for $2.50), a quiet walk out in the sunshine, or a new download of music or application for my i-phone.  Your rewards will be unique to you.

What simple strategies will you share?

photo credits: Starfires, John-Morgan