“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s heaven for?” – Robert Browning
“Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” – George Orwell
These quotes seem to conflict with each other, if I am reaching for more beyond my grasp then how can I have happiness in acceptance? Accepting both of these ideas together in harmony is the trick that will propel you to new levels of success in your work and/or personal life.
Years ago, I had a woman on my staff who was very ambitious and wanted to move up. She was reaching to exceed her grasp and she had a lot of energy to get there. Unfortunately, her energy was full of anxiety and worry. She was missing the ability to be happy in the current moment and accepting the journey. This repelled people from her and was a big obstacle to reaching the promotion (higher place).
If you are too accepting of your current conditions and have no reaching, then complacency sets in and possibly even apathy. This may feel comfortable but it is an illusion of comfort because you are not stretching or growing and life become dull and repetitive.
Your reach and acceptance is unique to you; don’t get caught up in comparing to others. Decide for yourself what you want to reach for that is just a bit beyond your current grasp and then when you get it, enjoy setting your next goal.
Have fun reaching and thrive while you drive!
Photo credit: harvest breeding via Flickr Creative Commons