Putting the Happy in Happy Holidays!

This time of year can bring up so much comparison. Comparing what is to what was in my own past, comparing what is versus what I see on those holiday commercials, comparing to my friend’s pictures of their holiday cheer on Facebook, comparing to what our friends or family are planning and doing and how their houses look or don’t look, there is no shortage of comparison! And it can take the happy right out of this time of year.

The only healthy comparison is checking in with the values I want to be living and comparing how I am doing in living them. I notice that when I start veering away from my values in my work and personal life and I am more concerned about external approval versus my internal motivations, then I start losing my way, especially around this time of year.

So, keep your internalGPS going in the direction of happiness by letting go of any comparisons, living your values, and enjoy this special time of year!