Part 4: Creating Your Own Luck with Your internalGPS

Last week (linked below if you missed it) was the third of four posts on how to create your own luck. It was all about how to use Curiosity, Competence and Caring to create your own luck. This week is Kindness and Knowledge. This “L U C K” acronym is a fun way to remember them!


This is important for both how you treat other people and yourself. Many of my clients work with me on converting their judgmental inner critic to a kind friend. And when you practice kindness with clerks, wait staff and anyone else who you interact with during the day you may find yourself feeling lucky to get better service!


Becoming more knowledgeable about yourself, your area of expertise, and about anyone around you will all bring you amazing luck! Knowing your strengths and values will allow you to align your actions to bring out your best, bringing lucky opportunities that would have been missed. Immersing yourself in the information about the topic of your expertise will also bring you more luck. Take the time to really know your stuff and study what your competitors are doing so that you can excel at being the best. Knowing more about the important people  in your life and business will enable you to bring out their best, further enhancing your luck for more success.

Since we are at the end of the series of posts, here is a re-cap:

Live In the Moment, Laugh, Love

Understand, Unique, Utilize

Curiosity, Competence, Caring

Kindness, Knowldedge

Wishing you the best in creating your own LUCK in all that you do as you use your internalGPS to navigate to success in your life and business. I have felt incredibly lucky in this month of March. I think writing these posts has been a big part of this; thank you for taking the time to read them!

photo credit via Flickr creative commons: tim geers.