Navigating the Sea of Ideas to Success 4

navigate sea Mar 2010 postThe creative process of generating new ideas has had a lot of focus in the business world over the past decade and for good reason.   The more competition the more differentiation needed through creativity and innovation.  Our internet world gives us an amazing flow of information and data for generating ideas.  We can become buried in ideas and enlightened by new knowledge that will go nowhere if we don’t tie them to some actions.  Or worse yet, become completely stuck in the review of all this good stuff.

In my move out of the big corporate world into the solo entrepreneur world I have found countless sources of information and seminars to help make me successful.  In fact, early on I realized that I could spend the next year or three just synthesizing and learning and not even dip a toe into actually launching a business.

Ideas Bulb head Mar 2010postThe key is to stay focused and create prioritized action plans based on the ideas generated and the knowledge gained.   It is easy to get caught up in the fear of going down the wrong path and feeling like more information is needed, but this is a trap.   Stop and notice whether your lack of movement is really due to a lack of information or more due to your fear of the unknown or need to have everything perfect.   Sometimes it is necessary to gather more information but most times it is better to push through your fear and get some forward momentum which will lead to more confidence and more actions for success.

Start with creating a list of actions based on your ideas or the information you gathered from a seminar, speech, or internet research.  Just get the list started and don’t worry too much about the specific actions at first.   Once you have the list then go back and review it for priorities: is this something to do this week, month, quarter or year?  Put them in order by which ones will move you toward your goals and vision.  If they don’t move you in that direction then put them in a “tickler” file for review at some planned point in the future or delete them.  If you get stuck or find this difficult then call in the support of a colleague, friend or coach to help move you forward.  Then start turning those ideas into actions and reward yourself each step of the way!  How do you navigate your sea of ideas  to keep moving forward for success?  Please share in a comment.

photo credits: marc sud13, Cayusa

4 thoughts on “Navigating the Sea of Ideas to Success

  • Kitty Wiemelt

    Wow, Paula, you are so right. Just the idea of writing the new ideas down and then stopping and looking at them to assimilate them and find clarity in what I am doing. I just wrote down a list of the ‘things’ I needed to do on all the various areas of my life – I totally became overwhelm!! So, what do I do? I stop, look at the list and put them in importance to me…and then for me, I say, Let Go and Let God. I can’t do it all today and the important items will be made clear to me – so I really need to remember to “STOP” and listen before I move forward. Oh, ya, and I need to Laugh for at least one minute to get my energy to my head. Thanks, Paula, you really are remarkable. Kitty Wiemelt, Winds of Change

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