How Do I Clarify My Purpose?

Clarity of Purpose Aug 2009 credit Steve took itIn last week’s post I wrote about the importance of defining your purpose in order to create a strong personal foundation and navigate to success.  This post is dedicated to helping you figure out what your purpose is.  If it is already crystal clear to you then congratulations; please post a comment on how you reached this clarity!  If you have not given it a lot of thought or you have some “fogginess” around what your true purpose is then please read on and hopefully you will gain some insight. 

Marcia Reynolds of and I talked earlier this week about understanding your purpose. She shared that it is critical to engage the emotional part of your brain to identify your purpose; your logical brain will not serve you well in this process.  She has a great exercise to connect with your emotional brain and then identify your passions that will lead to your sense of purpose.  I’ve listed just the first step below; see the entire exercise via this link to “Brain Tip 80” on Marcia’s site:

Complete three of the five exercises:

After completing the exercises, list what you are passionate about in life.  If you are struggling then go to the link above and continue with the next step.

Another way of looking at clarifying your sense of purpose is through a review of all the different aspects of your life utilizing a “note card” exercise that I learned in the Vision in Action  seminar I took from Diana Sterling.  It was also helpful in clarifying the focus of my business in order to utilize my skills and passions toward fulfilling my purpose.   Here is the exercise (Diana gave me permission to share it here):

HappyFace Aug credit heatherFinally, another list of great questions to consider is from Dan Baker’s book, What Happy People Know.  His research shows that happy people have clarity of their purpose (most often associated with their work):

 Do you have a process to share that helped you clarify your purpose?  Please post a comment to share your process or your success using one of the exercises listed here. 

photo credits: Steve took it, Heather