Gut Pointing to Success

It is so powerful to use your gut instincts in pointing you in the right direction for success.   Using your gut takes practice and is a bit of a challenge if you are used to using your logic or head to analyze and then re-analyze which way to go.

This is my typical mode or logical process: look at all the pros and cons and set up a list of criteria and rate each criterion.  Then logically review which way to go based on the scores.   Very logical!  I also love Sudoku puzzles because everything fits so perfectly and it just takes logical thinking to solve the puzzle.

There is nothing wrong with using a good logical process but it is also just as critical to notice how you feel or how your gut is feeling when you are making choices on your path to success. Noticing these feelings is impossible to do when you are focused on a logical rating system that is all in your head.  Step away from the numbers and think about the options.

Think of one option and imagine you are on that path; does it bring a sense of freedom and excitement or dread and confinement?  Be wary of fear as a factor as it may be present with a choice that feels right but is stretching your comfort zone.

The other powerful use of your gut is in creating powerful goal or destination statements for a big change.  In their book, “Switch – How to Change Things When Change is Hard”, Chip and Dan Heath call these “gut smacking goals.”  They explain that motivating people to make big changes requires a goal that appeals to their emotions more than their logic.  If it is only logic then there is a big risk that you or your team will find all of the reasons or data to support not making the change and remain stuck but if you appeal to emotion then you will figure out how to make things happen or go around and over things that you had not imagined to reach that goal.

My big project in China last year was a good example of an emotional destination that felt totally right to my gut but logically there were many good reasons for me to say no to the project.  Thankfully I went with my gut and it was one of the most fulfilling times of my life.

How do you use your Gut Pointing System? Please share in a comment.

photo credits: Olivander, Josef Grunig