Coaching Your Strengths: Delegate or Outsource For Success
If you have a real “can-do” attitude and strong work ethic then you may be tempted to do it all. In order to navigate to success with less stress, know your strengths and then delegate or outsource the other tasks as much as possible.
The site for myinternalGPS was outsourced to Sprout Strategies; they specialize in creating web site and blog designs and did a great job. I could have learned how to program a custom template myself but then I would have given up that time and energy for other tasks that are a much better match for my strengths.
Coaching tips for making outsource or delegation decisions:
- Is the task a key part of your strategy? For example, if your business is creating web sites then of course you will create your own site versus my example above.
- Calculate the true cost of doing the task yourself by multiplying the estimated time to complete the task by your estimated wage or revenue that you would earn in that time. If you are currently under capacity then it may still make sense to do the task if it is in your capability.
- Are there experts that will do a better job than you? Consider the impact due to your lack of expertise. A friend who is very good at fixing things decided he would try to fix his flat screen T.V. but he ended up voiding the warranty (when he touched some fragile components) and further damaging the T.V.
- Are there other people on your team that will excel at the task or do they need additional responsibilities to grow? In order to grow your business or your team you will need to delegate some of the key projects.
- Focus on your strengths; if it is a task you dislike and is a challenge then look for opportunities to outsource or delegate. Research shows a higher level of productivity and growth when we use our strengths on a regular basis; it is in your best interest to outsource the rest!
How do you manage your delegating or outsourcing? Please post a comment.
photo credit: RWphotoBug