Coaching Your internalGPS: How Do You Overcome Obstacles?

Happy New Year!

A Note of Gratitude as we begin the New Year:

I write this blog, along with my coaching, consulting and speaking as a service to you and a calling of who I am. This is a work in progress and your feedback is extremely important to me. Thank you so much to those of you have given me your trust in sharing your insights and feedback. It is invaluable to me.

Overcoming Obstacles – Third in this series, last week was Irresistable Destinations

There are many types of obstacles; it is best to plan for them but then don’t put a lot of focus on them or they may become a self fulfilling prophecy. Here are a few different types that either I or a client has overcome.

Indecision or Ambiguity:


Lack of Energy:


Prior Related Posts:

Minimizing Obstacles On Your Path To Success

Using Your internalGPS To Grow Your Courage Muscle

Coaching Yourself to Extraordinary Results By Being & Doing Your Strengths

Make it an extraordinary 2011! Share an obstacle you have overcome or a favorite tool for eliminating obstacles in a comment.

photo credit: foxypar4 via flickr creative commons