Coaching Through the Holidays: Presents of Prescence

The holidays can be a joyous time and a stressful time or a stressful time with no joy.   It is so easy to get caught up in all the things we feel we must do: shopping, wrapping, year-end tax decisions.   

Gift Dec 2009 post credit mysza831My holiday coaching challenge is to stay present in each moment.  Focusing on the current moment sounds easy but it is not something that comes naturally.  Our brains automatically start going through all the items we still have on our shopping list, the big project that has to be done next week and it is only a 3-day week, or the commitment to go to that party that we don’t really want to attend.   None of these things are happening in the moment but they are consuming a portion of our energy and limiting our ability to focus.   

Give yourself and those around you the gift of being fully present.  When you notice those intruding thoughts, kindly thank them for arriving and let them pass by like a cloud and re-focus on this moment. 

Staying fully focused on the present will give you back multiple gifts:

It sounds simple enough but don’t be fooled by the simplicity; it takes practice and persistence.  This small shift done consistently will have an incredible impact on you and your relationships.  Cherish your moments this holiday season and then keep practicing as you go into 2010.

How are you staying focused during this busy time?  Please share in a comment

photo credit: mysza831