Coaching the Joy of Ordinary Moments

Several moments happened over the past couple weeks that made me think about this topic:

– I read my sister’s post on Facebook, “Is it strange that I get so much joy from a freshly swept garage?”

– A feeling of pure enjoyment while dancing in my Mom’s family room with my 7-year old niece while my 4-year old nephew banged on his new electric drum set.

– My wonderful man-love (this is better than boyfriend), helped unplug my bathroom sink drain; when the water went down so easily again I had a great feeling of joy.

–  A friend posted on Facebook that she had a wonderful feeling of joy when she was sitting outside at lunch with her son.

One of my favorite books of all time is, “Tuesdays with Morrie.” At one point Morrie describes his perfect day; it is just an ordinary day. No big parties, no extraordinary events or exotic places, just an ordinary day with connections of family and friends, and dancing!

These moments remind me of what Morrie said and that we can find joy and happiness in the most ordinary of things. In fact, that is one of the secrets of living a full life, finding the joy in those little ordinary things and savoring it.

What little thing has brought you joy recently? Please share in a comment!