Coaching For Excitement & Enjoying the Journey

Thanks to my colleague and friend, Dennece McKelvy (her Coach site linked), I have had the opportunity to facilitate workshops at the nonprofit, Fresh Start, this past week and last October. We collaborated to create the workshops. It was fun for us to work together co-facilitating and as with other volunteering, we gained more than we gave.

Many of the women were impressive in their application of the material, one woman especially stood out in her big shift from dreading her work to excitement in her work. The workshop was two Monday nights, on the first night we talked about setting a strong vision and powerful goals and on the second night we reviewed how to overcome obstacles. In the second class, we asked for a brief summary of what they learned the week before.

Her eyes were sparkling and she said with a big smile, “I am excited to go to work now because I see that it is going to help me reach my bigger vision; I even got excited when they called me in on my day off to work an extra shift. I was actually full of gratitude!” This was a huge shift from the week before when she was talking about how she hated being a waitress and her frustration with her job.

She made a big commitment to enjoy the journey and link her current job to her bigger vision and saw it completely differently. Now her job is a helpful stepping stone instead of a boulder in her path and she is using her internalGPS to enjoy her journey.

What boulders have you turned into stepping stones? Please share in a comment.

photo credit: Richard Carter via Flickr creative commons