Coaching a King

This blog has given me new perspectives in how I look at things; always a question in my mind, “is this blog post material?” Sometimes it is so easy and obvious. Other times I have to look back at my calendar to spur an idea of something to share.

This past week I saw the movie, “The King’s Speech.” I heard mixed reviews; some loved it and some thought it was a bit slow. I am in the “loved it” camp. It is one of those movies that kept coming up in my thoughts for days afterward. Here are some of my thoughts (with out giving away the story).

Prosperity & Happiness

It appears that being born into royalty would be a very prosperous life with no struggle.  Sure, you never have to worry about paying the bills but this is also true if you are a convict in prison. Financial security has its’ limits in making us happy. Challenges or problems are always present and how we deal with them is the difference between peace and struggle.

Perspectives & Titles

This was a big one in the movie from multiple perspectives. Keeping a level of equality with being human (versus our titles), having trusting friends (or a Coach) and a great sense of humor all came up for me in this story. It was great to see the power of taking yourself lightly and yet having a serious and committed focus on results rather than the methodology or credentials to get there.

Hopefully I have inspired you to go see this great movie and if you already saw it then I’d love for you to share in a comment!

photo credit: oknovokght via Flickr creative commons