Happiness at work & in life

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Uncovering Your internalGPS

“We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.” – Jean Huston A couple years ago, when I was facilitating a leadership program for young women at a University in China, it quickly became apparent that I had a lot of work to do to convince the students that they had many…
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Thursday Thoughts On Thriving: Connections

Thriving is all about connections; the more you cultivate connecting with the people around you the more you will thrive. I am writing this in Buffalo, NY, where I am reconnecting with people that I have not seen in years. Last night my sister and I had dinner with two women who we used to…
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Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Daring Greatly For Innovation, Creativity & Change

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change….Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous.” – Brene Brown Think about a time when you made a significant shift. You created something new or did something courageous that took you down a different path or failed horribly at it.  You never felt the…
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Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: How Do You Thrive Online?

How do you increase your level of thriving with on-line tools to serve you, rather than suck your time away? How much time do you spend on line? If you are anything like me, I suspect it is a lot. There is a philosophical debate about whether all this time with the internet is good or bad…
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Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Choosing Your Path to Success

“I am inspired by what you are doing!” and “I don’t understand what you are doing!” are both reactions to my choice of path to leave (or more recently turn down) a large corporate job and run my own business. The path of the corporate job and the path of entrepreneur both have their positives…
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Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: How Many Thoughts Per Day Go into My internalGPS?

My first thought in seeing this outside my front door, “Oh what a mess…” A split second later I thought, “But the purple color is so nice…” and then my mind rambled on with back and forth thoughts on whether it was a mess or beautiful. Why am I sharing this? Because your mind produces…
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Reaching Higher Happiness with My internalGPS

“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s heaven for?” – Robert Browning “Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” – George Orwell These quotes seem to conflict with each other, if I am reaching for more beyond my grasp then how can I have happiness in acceptance? Accepting both of these ideas together in…
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The Wisdom of My internalGPS

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle It all starts inside your head, and note that this is just the start of how you can be a powerful driver in your business and life. If you stay there is it like programming the GPS in your car and never leaving the driveway….
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Part 4: Creating Your Own Luck with Your internalGPS

Last week (linked below if you missed it) was the third of four posts on how to create your own luck. It was all about how to use Curiosity, Competence and Caring to create your own luck. This week is Kindness and Knowledge. This “L U C K” acronym is a fun way to remember…
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Part 3: Creating Your Own Luck with Your internalGPS

Last week (linked if you missed it) was the second of four posts on how to create your own luck. It was all about how to use Understanding, Uniqueness, and Utilization to create your own luck. This week is how to use Curiosity, Competence and Caring. This “L U C K” acronym is a fun way…
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