Happiness at work & in life

Coaching For a Shift on the Road to Success

In coaching it is great to feel a shift in a client.  It may be a small one that is a small step toward their ultimate goal or a big one that appears as an “a ha!” moment and changes everything.  The cool thing about a shift is that it requires nothing in the external…
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Freedom to Navigate to Success with Your internalGPS

As we in the US celebrate our freedom this summer I have been thinking about freedom as a state of mind.  It is a way of looking at our choices. It is easy to forget that we have choices.  We automatically think that there is no choice but to set that alarm, get up and…
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Lightness and Faith On Your Path to Success

There has been a lot of press about Apple’s big milestone in May of becoming the largest technology company in the world at $50 billion plus (and only second in size to ExxonMobil in the U.S.).  Recently a friend sent me Steve Job’s commencement speech from 2005 (linked).  His messages are timeless; I am focusing…
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Navigating to Success Anniversary!

To celebrate this year of blogging I reflected back on some of the obstacles I faced in writing it and hope that sharing these lessons will help you navigate to success (toward your dreams). Daunting This is the best word to describe how I felt as I looked at my new site with zero blog…
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Curiosity Cured the Cat: Navigating to Success with Curiosity

It is unfortunate that one of our American idioms- curiosity killed the cat- is fear-based and encourages us to stay put.  There is so much power and enjoyment in shifting to an inquisitive attitude that encourages new discoveries and an open mind. It is possible to grow your inquisitive skills through practice and shifting of…
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Keeping it Simple & Easy on the Path to Success

I read a couple posts this past week about keeping things simple and not grinding away at things (see links below).  It is such a powerful (and simple!) message.  I sometimes catch myself making something more complex that it needs to be or inviting struggle into a situation that does not need it or keeping…
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Gut Pointing to Success

It is so powerful to use your gut instincts in pointing you in the right direction for success.   Using your gut takes practice and is a bit of a challenge if you are used to using your logic or head to analyze and then re-analyze which way to go. This is my typical mode or…
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Building Character: Using Your internalGPS for Strong Leadership

I scrapped my original topic idea this week due to something I witnessed.  I was in the bulk food section of a local grocery store when it happened.  An older woman, nicely dressed, lifted up the lid to the bulk cashews, scooped some nuts out into her hand and then proceeded to snack on them…
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What Would You Do If…

…you had a million dollars or so in savings, and you already paid off all your debts?  Stop and think about this a moment before you read more.  What pops into your head?  Are you sipping your favorite beverage on the beach?  Have you purchased that big toy you always wanted?  Did you think of…
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Opening Your Mind to Paths to Success

Have you ever discovered that your assumptions were more like obstacles than tools on your path to your destination?   Sometimes we have to make assumptions based on our experience but unfortunately these assumptions can also cause obstacles and challenges if they go unexamined.  Or they are assumptions held deeply in our belief system and we…
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