Executive Coaching

Your internal GPS’s Current Location: Where Are You Today?

You need to know your current location first in order for your internal GPS to work. This is the first step in my coaching model. In a series of four posts I’ll write about each step in the model: Where are you now? Current location – Today’s post What are your irresistible destinations? – Next…
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Give Yourself the Gift of Time and Energy

This past week I paid attention to the things in my routine that I have changed over the past few years to give me more time and/or energy. You may think, “Oh but that only takes me a few minutes!” But, those few minutes add up and/or they may be sapping your energy! Here are…
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Making Friends With Trouble

“If I had a formula for bypassing trouble, I would not pass it around. Trouble creates a capacity to handle it. I don’t say embrace trouble; that’s as bad as treating it as an enemy. But I do say meet it as a friend, for you’ll see a lot of it and you had better…
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Creating More Productivity By Shifting Your internalGPS

You are busy. You don’t have time for adding even one more thing to your schedule, right? Some of you don’t agree and that is great, but I know most of you feel like this and I ask that you stay open to adding a little daily commitment that will pay big dividends in your…
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Using Your internalGPS to Exercise Your Courage

As a 22-year old fresh out of college I had to give presentations to mostly male, many with military backgrounds, most twice my age, audiences at the Motorola Government Group. My knees were knocking and I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest. A kind colleague suggested Toastmasters. It was a…
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Endurance & Big Destinations

“Let us show, not merely in great crisis, but in every day affairs of life, qualities of practical intelligence, of hardihood and endurance, and above all, the power of devotion to a lofty ideal.” –  Theodore Roosevelt This past weekend I was doing some office organizing and came across this quote that I wrote down…
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Minimizing Obstacles on Your Path to Success

Let’s face it, obstacles happen. How you deal with and plan for those obstacles is what sets you or your business apart from the competition. Imagine this scenario, you are having a great morning, all goes well at home and you sail through the morning commute and arrive at your office. You are greeted with…
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Creating More Time For Navigating to Success

“I am so busy that I even had to cut out my exercise time.” My client was stressed. She is not alone. Most of my clients, at one point or another, have challenges with too much to do and too little time. Time is our most precious commodity and the ultimate equalizer. No one can…
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Programming Strategy & Tactics In Your internalGPS

“Let’s have a meeting to discuss our strategy” was the response to a question about how we were going to proceed with a big supplier negotiation. Ugh, another meeting to try and cram into our busy schedules. Why can’t we just move forward? “Why are we using this supplier again in this design? They have…
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Quitting or Sticking Using Your internalGPS

On my recent adventure to Bali we had a planned bike ride in the mountains. It was a beautiful sunny morning and even a bit cool in the mountain breeze. We put on our helmets and did a little test ride; it has been way too long since I had to shift gears on a…
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