Building Character: Using Your internalGPS for Strong Leadership

I scrapped my original topic idea this week due to something I witnessed.  I was in the bulk food section of a local grocery store when it happened.  An older woman, nicely dressed, lifted up the lid to the bulk cashews, scooped some nuts out into her hand and then proceeded to snack on them while she pushed her cart toward the deli section.  I was amazed.  The voice in my head began chattering: “Does she realize she just stole those nuts?  She didn’t even look around to see if anyone was watching.  How many times has she done that before?  Would she have done that if her grandkids were with her? I’ve tested a grape for sweetness before, but can’t imagine helping myself to a snack of the bulk cashews, wow!”

Earlier this week, I spoke at the chapter meetings of the Project Management Institute (PMI) on the topic of using your internalGPS for strong leadership.  I didn’t specifically talk about the relationship between character and leadership but it was implied in several of my points about building strong communication skills, creating destinations that inspire your team and strong connections with powerful listening to navigate obstacles.

After witnessing this little incident in the grocery store, I may add some specifics (to the speech) about aligning your habits to build strong leadership, especially when you don’t think anyone is watching.  You may be thinking, “Gosh, it’s a big store and it is no big deal to eat a few of the nuts, what does that have to do with leadership?”  The little things have everything to do with it.   Can you picture Gandhi (or substitute in your favorite inspirational leader) pilfering a few nuts at the local store?  The little things, especially when no one (we care about) is around, speak volumes about character and character inspires people to follow.

Understanding and then deliberately shifting your daily habits will make a profound impact on your character and ability to be a strong leader.  Here is a link to an early post, “Coaching for Navigating to Success: It’s the Little Things”, with some tips about setting daily habits.

This is a great quote by the Dalai Lama that a friend sent me earlier this week:

“Take care of your thoughts because they become words

Take care of your words because they will become actions

Take care of your actions because they will become habits

Take care of your habits because they will form your character

Take care of your character because it will form your destiny

And your destiny will be your life.”

What do you think?  Should I have said something to that woman?  What would your reaction be?  Do you think I’m off base in connecting this to leadership?  Please leave a comment.