internalGPS Coach: Finding Your Way To Better

ladder Flickr edward musiak

It comes natural to me, imagining things better. Not to imply that anything is bad, just that I regularly catch myself imagining them better.

It happens in little ways like my friend’s ladder to look over her block fence at the neighbor’s yard. My imagination was filled with an interesting yard with beautiful plants and an area for the big pig that she had heard grunting (the reason for looking). I was surprised to see the brown over-grown mess of a yard when I peaked over (and darn, no pig in sight). Later I wondered at the very different picture I had in my head.

It happens in big ways like my staying in a marriage with a man who I kept seeing with all this potential because I saw glimpses of his genius and big heart. In hindsight, the reality was much different and it was not a good thing for either of us that I preferred staying in my imagination. I’ve learned a lot (painfully) from this over application of my strength (magically turning it to weakness). One of my favorite quotes: “When people show you who they are, believe them.” – Maya Angelou

And my “imagining better” happens in a million different ways in between. I recall being excited every time an reorganization was announced in my past big corporate jobs. Many of my colleagues were worried while I was imaging all the ways it would be better.

It turns out this natural way of seeing the best or imagining better in situations and others is exactly what is needed to be a powerful Coach. Who wouldn’t want someone coaching you who see’s your best even when you don’t see it for yourself? Or who can look at a glimmer of an idea you have and help you imagine all the amazing things you will do.

And yet, it’s a stretch of my courage to share this with you as it doesn’t feel like a “super power” to me, it feels like its something I just have always done. Naturally. And once I get past that, then I feel like I’m boasting, “oh look at me and what I do!”

Have you ever done that? Downplayed what you do well? It’s just not helpful, choose to be courageous, be kind and keep sharing your talents; it’s just so much better.

How can I help you find your way to better?

photo credit: Flickr creative commons, edward musiak