Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Thriving in the Midst of Political Mudslinging

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you wind up being governed by your inferiors.” – Plato

How can you thrive and still participate in the political process, in the midst of all the political mudslinging? Here are some ideas:

I had the opportunity to moderate many of the Arizona State legislative debates this year and two years ago. It has required me to become more bipartisan and neutral in order to give all the candidates fair support and to keep the audience under control. In a recent debate, the tension was very high. I did not hear the specific statements (I deliberately try not to listen to stay as neutral as possible) but I could hear the tone shift and the energy tense up in the room when a candidate went on the attack. And the reverse, when a candidate focused on an issue and stated that he was friends with all the candidates, there was a bit of laughter and relief in the air. Moderating has been a mind-opening experience in recognizing these tensions when I am not paying any attention to their political affiliation.

Here’s to your thriving, even in the midst of all the mud and Happy Voting!

photo credit via Flickr Creative Commons: rstraswser