Coaching Who You Are

“It’s where we go, and what we do when we get there, that tells us who we are.”

– Joyce Carol Oats

It is so easy to get pulled into doing, doing, doing and not realize that who you are being or where you are going is no longer really you. Take a moment and look at where you went and what you did over the past week or so. Do these activities represent who you are or who you want to be? If yes, then congratulations and keep on going! If not, then read on…

You may be in a period of transition and going to places you do not want to go or you may be stuck. What is your plan for changing this? If you have no plan then you are living by default and not by design.

Make a plan of where you are going to go, ask for help if needed and enjoy the journey. Don’t be worried that it may not be a perfect plan, change it as needed. If you need help with your plan, give me a call. I love coaching people to go where they are meant to go and be all they are meant to be; it is a big part of my plan.

I feel like I should add more here but I am not going to fill in with more words just because this feels like too short of a post. The “should” word it is a sign to stop and ask, “Why do I think I should?” I’m afraid of writing too little and being judged for it. Not a good reason at all.

photo credit: Jo@net via Flickr creative commons