Coaching & Programming Your internalGPS for More Creativity & Innovation

How are you programming your internalGPS to be (more) creative and innovative as we go into this new year? Every one of us is creative; I used to think this was reserved for my very talented Mother and Sister who always had (and still have) a creative project going. I’d say, “Oh I just didn’t get that gene.” What a bunch of crap, I have just as much creativity as the next person and this idea of not being born with it was a myth I believed in for many years. My challenge was that I believed whatever I created had to be perfect or close to perfect. Thankfully I learned that this was stifling not only my creativity but also my leadership and life. I love Dr. Brené Brown’s research because she unveils truths that debunk these perfection (or lack of creativity) myths to fully embrace your creativity which then supports stronger leadership and living. Everyone is creative and if you can realize this for yourself and for your team you will expand your team’s (and your) performance beyond expectations.

“To Reignite creativity, innovation, and learning, leaders mus re-humanize education and work.” – Dr. Brené Brown

DW_CreativityQuoteImageI am thrilled to be kicking off my year by taking the e-course, “The Gifts of Imperfection” with Oprah and Dr. Brené Brown to further develop my creativity and courageous living. And I’m even more excited to be facilitating my own The Daring Way™ workshops and shifting my Coaching so that is aligned with Dr. Brené Brown’s research findings and her two books, “Daring Greatly” and “The Gifts of  Imperfection.” Here is a link to my page that lists the workshops. If you’re in the Phoenix area, I’d love to talk to you about applying to attend one of these powerful workshops that will expand your ability to lead powerfully! Or if you are out of the area or would prefer to learn about this work individually then give me a call and we can talk about the virtual possibilities.

How will you embrace or expand your creativity to powerfully live your life and lead those around you this year?

It is going to be an awesome journey as I continue to program my internalGPS this year and I look forward to sharing it here with you and reading your comments of how you are powerfully leading and living through 2014 and beyond.